From: Darren_Smith@NeXT.COM (Darren Smith) Subject: FIRST ANNUAL OBJECT HONORS AWARDED TO NEXTSTEP CUSTOMERS AND THIRD-PARTIES Date: 25 Jun 1994 13:49:43 -0400 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Karen Logsdon NeXT Computer, Inc. 415/780-3786 or Charlotte Penner Copithorne & Bellows 415-975-2225 FIRST ANNUAL OBJECT HONORS AWARDED TO NEXTSTEP CUSTOMERS AND THIRD-PARTIES SAN FRANCISCO - June 21, 1994 - NeXT Computer, Inc. and Digital Consulting Inc. today announced the winners of the first Object Honors awards sponsored by SHL Systemhouse. Nine NEXTSTEP third-party developers and solutions providers were recognized at the Object Honors ceremony held last night. The event kicked-off NEXTSTEP EXPO, being held June 21-23 in San Francisco's Moscone Center. The Object Honors awarded in five categories, and their winning solutions are: Customized Solutions Select Technology for its workflow solution for DELO Publishing of Lubjana, Slovenia, changing the way 90,000 daily newspaper customers get their news. RDR for The Baltimore Kit, a palette of objects that helped the City of Baltimore transform its budget process. Customized Products & Services GS Corp. for integrating a series of its products, including extraSCAN, extraREAD and Collagi Pallette, into a NEXTSTEP network in the packaging graphics department of a major packaged goods manufacturer, allowing designers to spend less time copying floppies and more time designing. Software Services and Solutions for developing a touch-screen medical instrument application that doctors use in the crowded, wet, sterile environment of a surgical theater. The completed application made it through regulatory approvals and is ready for clinical trials. Shrinkwrapped Applications Hypersight for SIGHT-C-ING, a source code browser that helps developers manage their source code and achieve code reuse. Otherwise for ScreenCast and WatchMe, products that capture screen images to a remote machine or a disk for later broadcast . Both products share common objects, and are part of solutions for Chrysler Financial and GS Corporation. Hardware & Utilities ELSA for its add-in graphics accelerator cards which can increase graphics resolution and performance on Intel processors running NEXTSTEP at resolutions up to 1600 x 1200. Training & Education TELOS/Springer -Verlag for publishing NEXTSTEP Programming: STEP ONE by Simson Garfinkel and Michael Mahoney. Special Recognition Telecom Australia received a special Object Honors awards for its creative presentation on how it uses a NEXTSTEP system to manage the workflow associated with a 48,000 user Mobile Radio Network, containing such mission-critical agencies as the State Emergency, Police, Fire and Bush Fire Brigades. Christopher Stone, president of the Object Management Group (OMG), serving as the evening's Master of Ceremonies, said, "After seeing the value that developers and end-users have received from these useful and reusable applications, it's hard to believe that anyone is fence-sitting with object technology. These are commercial grade applications being used to reduce costs, improve information sharing and produce measurable business benefits." "As one of the leading object technology consulting companies in the world, we at SHL Systemhouse are proud to be the first sponsor of this annual event," said Vince Jordan, vice president of technology for SHL Systemhouse. "All companies should be looking at object technology today because as we've seen here tonight, it provides tremendous competitive advantages, such as reduced time-to-market and code reuse, while reducing software maintenance fees". The competition Contestants were required to submit a detailed entry describing how their software product or application has become an integral part of a customer solution in one of NeXT's target vertical industry markets such as financial services, healthcare, telecommunications, legal or government, or a strategic in-house corporate application used by one of NeXT's Fortune 1000 customers. Each entry contained specifics about the product, including its features, customer implementation, quantified customer benefits such as cost, time, productivity gains, etc., the degree of innovation in each solution, and, where applicable, the degree of code reuse. Object Honors applications were judged by an independent panel comprised of four computer industry analysts/editors and a NeXT customer whose solution was not evaluated as part of the Object Honors. NeXT Computer, Inc. NeXT develops and markets the award-winning NEXTSTEP object-oriented software for industry-standard computer architectures. Customers use NEXTSTEP's advanced object environment to rapidly develop and deploy custom, enterprise-wide, client/server applications. NeXT is headquartered in Redwood City, California, and has offices in North America, London, Paris, Munich and Tokyo. # # # # NeXT, the NeXT logo and NEXTSTEP are registered trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners.